CV Prof. Roel Vermeulen is a Professor of Environmental Epidemiology and Exposome Science at the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), Utrecht University and at the Julius Center for Health…
Investigating tire tread particle toxicity to fish using Rainbow Trout cell lines William Dudefoia, B.J.D. Ferrarib, F. Breiderc, T. Massetc, E. Vermeirssenb, A.J. Bergmannb and K. Schirmera,d,e a…
20240314 The size definition of micro- and nanoplastics view by LabPlas can be accessed through this link
meetings and conferences
20240828-20240830 …
This website presents the activities of researchers and research groups mainly based in Austria, focusing on a multidisciplinary approach in micro- and nanoplastics research.
MNP activities at MUL
This website gives an overview of the micro- and nanoplastics research activites at the MUL.
Microplastic Particles: A Hazard for Human Health?
We are delighted to…
Scientific Projects related to the Austrian Micro- and Nanoplastic Network
University of British Columbia (UBC) Microplastic Cluster
PRIORITY (COST Action MNP networking project)